The countdown is on! I've got just 9 days until my bags will be packed and loaded onto an airplane, and me with them. When I left Europe nearly 18 months ago, I had some idea that this day would be coming, when I would go back for a much longer time... after all, it did cross my mind that it would be simpler to just stay in Romania then. When I left Europe, I didn't know how quickly the time would fly. Many days have felt like they would never end, but all the days together have gone in the blink of an eye. I thought the time here at home would change me more, but I suppose I'm glad to see I'm the same person. I remember my parents picking me and my sister up at the Pittsburgh Greyhound station after our last trip and how we couldn't find the easy path back to the car so we all hiked up the side of a steep hill - me and Ruth with 45 pound packs on - and I have to laugh when I see that I still pick the hard way more often than not. But God has used this time of being home and being with my family and being at an often difficult job to change me for the better. I have confidence that I did not have before. I have deeper relationships with my parents. I have learned about the faithfulness of God's character. I have paid off my student loans and been able to save for the day that is coming quite soon. I have seen His hand working in my life. When I think about the intense time of schooling and growth that is coming over the next year, I feel a little unready for the task. But I cling to the promise that God is in control. There is a reason He is leading me here and though I don't know what it is and the future seems daunting, He does and He is not daunted. When I was ready to stay in Romania before, another short-timer encouraged me that it was ok to go home for a while and make sure that the desire was from God. He was right -- and not only do I believe even deeper now that God has something good planned here, I know that He works through all circumstances for His glory, not just through the exciting ones.
Please pray for the transition I'll be making, that God will smooth out the path and prepare me for stepping into a completely new environment.