Note: I've made some updates to the permanent info on the blog - you should check that out too. :-)
As I start to write this post the first thoughts in my mind are of time.
It's been six weeks... is how I wanted to begin, though it's almost 7 weeks now since I returned home. I expected more of the time - that perhaps I would have a job by now or know exactly how everything would work for me to get back to Romania. I like having concrete steps lined out. It's comforting to have a plan, whether or not I end up following it.
When I think about time it's easy for me to get nervous, because I tend to focus on how much I'd like to be back in Romania today - if only that were possible. (To my Central Oregon loved ones: I do love you. But the burden on my heart for Eastern Europe presses me to not get too comfortable here.) I feel the urgency of time slipping away - "I only fear that I don't have enough time left to tell the world that there's no time left" - these lyrics from a Group1Crew song run through my head some days. But then I have to quiet my heart and remember that it's God who gave me the burden and it's God who will lead me there. Isaiah 52:12 has a beautiful picture of Him leading His people - "For you shall not go out in haste...For the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard." He is before me and behind me. I am comforted by His promise that His words do not go out in vain, but they accomplish what He pleases (Isaiah 55:11). If He wants me in Romania, it will happen. It will take me walking in obedience - but me rushing ahead won't help Him along.
Forgive me for all this introspection... I don't have much other information to share. I did go to Mission Connexion Northwest in Portland in January and I was blessed and encouraged to hear how God is working around the world. George Verwer of Operation Mobilization was one of the speakers and he challenged all of us to re-think what it means to be a Christian, whether we have a Biblical view of Christianity -- and to start asking what God could do with a life radically submitted to Him. On a similar note, I've ordered a couple of books I've heard are challenging - Radical and Crazy Love (those are links for the curious) and am looking forward to hearing what they have to say.
...and just because pictures are fun... :-)
One great thing about being home is enjoying getting to be "Auntie Lydia" whenever I get to visit with my friends and their kids.