just want to thank everyone who has given and been praying. I am fully
funded and am overwhelmed by the way God has moved your hearts!
The countdown is on: In 20 days, I'll board the flight to Romania.
Please keep praying for the team and for the ministry God has planned.
To give a little biking update, that's one of the areas where I would really like prayer. I pushed myself last weekend and ended up sleeping on an ice pack. After a couple days of recovery I'm all better, except for a little twinge in my knee that I hope doesn't become a big twinge.
I've been housesitting, which has been a blessing, but has also taken some of my attention away from consistent training. This week, since I'll be in Bend, I'm planning to ride to work and back at least four days and get a couple of good rides in on the weekend as well.
I'm looking forward to the Romanian countryside, but had to stop on a ride recently to take a picture of the beautiful countryside and mountain views we have here: