The old doorknobs are shaped like daisies,
the favorite flower of the lady of the Zichy family

The coffee shop (main hangout spot) and chapel are at the top of the main girls' stairwell, so I go up these stairs alot sometimes several times a day

and here is Roz hanging out in the historical library...
she wants to tell you that Greek word studies are a gateway to amazingness.
the sound in this room is amazing
might have something to do with the dome ceiling

Springtime in the dorms!
Our room smells like flowers now, instead of... who knows what
Roz and I both have a difficult time understanding Hungarian.
Thank heaven for translations!
If you send me mail, it will end up here
I get very excited when I see something here (Roz does too) but it usually isn't for me
(hint hint)
And now for a random picture of me and some of my friends
Living in the dorms is not at all bad =) We have fun.
This weekend I'm planning to go on outreach to Dunaujvaros. Please pray that it will go well. I'll be practicing teaching English with the English club, we will do a prayer walk and have fellowship. It's my second time going, but the first time helping with the English club.
Check back Sunday or Monday for a blog about it! =)
I like all of your pictures! they are very artistic =)
Lydia, I am enjoying your website. Easter in such an old traditional place must have been very special. I am going to send Wendy Jessup your website address as she is most interested in what you are doing. A year in a dorm at college was special, enlightening, and most of all great fun. Dorms are good places to build special memories.